Cover Crop Resource Guide
The Southern region of the United States stretches from Virginia to Texas to Florida and the Puerto Rico. This region can grow many crops and has a wide variety of soils and climate. Row crop producers will have different cover crop need than vegetable producers or grazers. The cover crops best suited for a farm in the mountains may not work in southern Florida.
To account for these differences and help you focus on the cover crops that will work best on your farm, this resource guide is organized by production system and then location.
Let’s get started!

Click the production system in which you are interested:
Physiographic regions available for Row Crops: Coastal Plain, Mountains, Ridge & Valley, Piedmont, and Blacklands.
Physiographic region available for Vegetables: Mountains, Ridge & Valley, Piedmont.
Physiographic region available for Grazing: Mountains, Ridge & Valley, Piedmont.