Standing Committees

Click on each box for detailed information about SCCC standing committees.

Membership Committee

The membership committee is composed of a chair and up to three at-large members. The Membership Committee will work in conjunction with other committees (Social Media Committee, Education and Outreach Committee, etc) to publicize SCCC and promote membership. The membership committee will identify state representatives to assist in membership recruitment from various stakeholders. The Membership Committee will work with the Secretary to ensure membership dues are collected and that the membership list remains current.

Click here to join SCCC.

Outreach and Communication Committee

The Outreach and Communication Committee is responsible for developing information on cover crops specific to the southern region.  They are working to develop the website and a social media presence.  Do you have good information of cover crops for your area?  Join the Outreach and Communication Committee and help get the word out to others.

Conference Committee

  • The Conference Committee plans regional cover crop conference that will be held every two to three years.  Getting together face-to –face to share experiences and look at what farmers and researchers in different parts of the country are doing is so important.  Help make this happen by joining this committee.

Fundraising Committee

It may be unfortunate, but it’s reality. Groups cannot function without funds.  We use sponsorships and Friends of the SCCC funds to put on conferences, maintain the website, and other important activities. Please consider helping out this important committee.

Click here to join SCCC.

Operations Committee

The Operations Committee handles items regarding the governance of the SCCC. This committee reviews proposed amendments to the by laws, and brings them before the Board for approval at the annual meeting.

Awards Committee

Many people have dedicated a substantial portion of their lives or careers to advance the science and practice of cover crop use. Others have worked tirelessly to provide the information needed to use cover crops effectively, figure how and when to use them profitably in farm operations, or share information to make farmers more successful. We want to shine a light on their passion and selflessness. Join this committee to help us identify deserving people.

Research Committee

One of the goals for the SCCC is to provide solid science based information for farmers and to ensure collaboration between the many scientists, farmers, and organizations throughout the Southern region to address critical information needs. This committee provides a mechanism to reach this important goal.